Sierra Leone’s parliament has approved a law banning child marriage
The new law which is yet to be signed by President Julius Maada Bio criminalizes the marriage of girls under 18 years of age. It also prescribes jail terms of up to 15 years and a fine equivalent to $2,000 for offenders. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), around one-third of all young women in Sierra Leone are married before the age of 18 often due to poverty or limiting beliefs.
A “historic moment” for children across Sierra Leone
The approval of this new law outlawing the marriage of young girls “is a historic moment and an extraordinary achievement for children across Sierra Leone” said Patrick Analo, Country Director of Save the Children. “Girls who are married young are not only robbed of their childhoods – they are robbed of their futures. They experience lifelong harm to their physical and mental health; are barred from opportunities to learn, grow, play and develop; shut out from future educational and economic opportunities that also impact their families and communities. Children have now stood up and said: “Give us our futures back.” And thanks to them, this will be a new reality for nearly four million children across Sierra Leone.” he concluded.